Saturday, April 9, 2011

Columbus Boat Field Trip

This past Friday we had an opportunity to visit replicas of Christopher Columbuss Nina and Pinta boats.  WOW!  What an eye-opener it was to see how difficult it was for those who braved voyages on those boats to search for a new world!

Here are some pictures of Tristan and the boys as we toured both boats.

Posing by a sign explaining the construction process of the Nina
The Nina

The Pinta
Tristan was nervous to stand on the deck.

Nathanael and Tristan liked poking their heads through the 
side rails to get a closer look out of the boat.  

The boys standing in front of two models of the boats
Standing in front of the Nina
We were ready to go after the tour was over.  While it was really neat to see all the cool parts of the boats, it was a lot of sitting and listening to do.  :)

Next, we were off to let off some steam at a very cool playground a few blocks away!  YAY!

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